How to Program XMC Mcu with XMCFlasher

1. Download XMCFlasher from website of Infineon.  Or use this link XMCFlasher
2. Install Oracle Java8 JRE. If it is not yet installed in your system.
3. Install the latest Segger JLink software.
4. Extract the folder XMC™ Flasher to the preferred location.

Double click on XMCFlasher.jar,

Click on Connect and select which mcu you are going to program.

If some error happen. Maybe it because the BMI set is not correct.

You can set the BMI mode by click on the BMI on menu.

Click Select File button to select which program is going to program. Usually the file is locate in the \Debug or \Release subfolder under your project folder depends on you set of project.

After that, click Program button, the mcu will programmed.

If you have several board to program, click Connect button when you change a board and click Program Button.

I found in some computer, when you run XMCFlasher.jar. It will show an error.
Even I reinstall Java, the error is still there.
But When I run that Jar file through cmd, the error is gone. So to solve this problem. We can modify the bat file XMCFlasher.bat like this.
java  -jar %~dp0\xmcflasher.jar %* ->
javaw  -jar %~dp0\xmcflasher.jar %* .
And then, every time you can run XMCFlasher.bat.



High side switch with P-Channal MOSFET